The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirement is a requirement for all student visas application. GTE It is the most common reason behind rejection of student visa by the Department of Home Affairs(DHA).
There are high risk and low risk assessment for different countries. The students from low-risk countries such as North America, most countries in Western Europe, Japan , the GTE requirement is often not strictly enforced. However, for high-level assessment countries (such as most Asian Countries, Eastern Europe, South America and Africa,) the GTE requirement is enforced.
Students need to ensure that they can satisfy all the guidelines of the department they are studying their course for the right reasons. Section 499 of Ministerial Direction Number 69 directs Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) decision-makers to take into consideration the following six factors:
1. Be realistic in your GTE letter
The GTE letter is the most important part of your visa application. The officer of the department are experienced to tell if someone is being unrealistic or untrue with their statement.
2. Explain your circumstances in your home country (Personal Circumstances)
This factor assesses the reasons for the applicant to not undertake the chosen course of study in their home country. It also considers whether there is military or civil unrest which would not support a temporary stay in Australia
The case officer wants to know that you have strong ties to your home country. You need to ensure you explain your personal circumstances in your home country. For instance, be sure to mention that all/most of your family members reside in your home country. Do you have any possessions in your home country? A house, a car, a business? Do you need to return to support family members? Is the job market improving?
3. Explain why you chose the specific education provider
It is important you have done research into your education provider that you want to attend. How does it compare to other education providers that offer a similar course. This will demonstrate to the case officer that you have put in thought into your studies. Perhaps you can explain the individual units of the course you are most interested in studying.
It is also important that you have done research and know the city that you will be studying in? What are some things you like about the city? How much will your living expenses be?
4. Show you have done research into the industry or course you are studying
Decision makers look to see if a chosen course of study makes sense career-wise. Meaning that the course of study is related to the ordinary progression of employment and education. For example, university or vocational studies are a natural step after finishing high school.
5. Always discuss the future value of the course to you
In assessing this factor, decision makers will look at a number of features of the course and how it will benefit the visa applicant. Decision makers will assess whether the selected course is relevant and appropriate to the applicantโs current education and employment background. They will also look into the prospects of a future career and employment in that field.
A very common reason immigration case officers provide for refusal is that the Applicant failed to provide evidence of the value of the course to their future. By studying in Australia you are spending a significant amount of money and time. Immigration wants to see what studying that you will benefit from it. Will the course allow you to apply for higher paying positions in the future? Will it allow you a better chance of entering another course? Will the course allow you to gain skills which could help you make more money?
6. Explain your immigration history
Explain the countries that you have visited in the past. Explain the previous visas you have obtained to Australia. This will demonstrate to the case officer that you have abided by previous visa conditions.
If you have ever overstayed your visa or not abided by previous visa conditions, explain the reasons why you overstayed and how you have changed since the incident.
Generally speaking, the more temporary visas you have applied for in Australia, the greater the chance of refusal. If you have already remained in Australia for 3, 4 or 5+ years, you will need to demonstrate to immigration that you are not just studying this course as a way to remain in Australia.
7. Explain why you chose to study in Australia compared to your home country
Immigration would like for you explain why you chose to study in Australia and if there were similar courses offered in your home country. If there are options in your home country to study this course, explain how studying this course in Australia is different. Is it taught in a different format? Is the course it shorter, longer? Is the education provided in this industry different in Australia different in your home country?
8. Provide supporting documents
Talk is cheap. You need to back your statement up with documentary evidence to support what you wrote. Can you provide:
- Letters of reference from employers
- Evidence you can support yourself financially in Australia
- Previous education documents
- Enrollment or Application forms into another course
- Evidence of property ownership in your home country
- Evidence of property ownership in your home country
- Return tickets out of Australia
If you would like to chat about some of your course options, book in for a FREE consultation with us.