1. Australian Federal Police Check (AFP)
A National Police Check is a Certificate that will disclose any criminal offences committed by a person within Australia.
Who Should Apply
If you are over the age of 16 and have lived in Australia for a total of 12 months or more in the last 10 years (these 12 months are calculated cumulatively, not consecutively) you need to obtain an Australian Federal Police (AFP) clearance by completing a National Police Check Application Form.
The Department of Home Affairs may ask you to provide a police certificate (also called a penal clearance certificate) from every country you lived in. If we ask you for one, it will usually be if you are over 17 and lived in any of the listed countries, including Australia, for at least 12 months in the past 10 years.
Police certificates are valid for 12 months from the issue date. They must cover:
- the time you turned 16 up to the issue date
or - the whole time you were in the country
How to Apply – APPLY ONLINE
Before Lodgment
Step1 Get ready with your credit card, Pen, Printer, Scanner, 100 points ID scanned (Passport, bank statement, Australian diver license, Australian photo ID)
Step2 Click on the below link to apply online.
Step3 Select the checkbox and click on start new application button.)
Step4 Select ‘Name Check Only’ from drop down menu and click next.
Step5 Select the 100 points ID from the list which you are ready to upload in this application and click next.
Step6 Fill out your details and select the following in ‘Purpose of Check’ and click next.
Purpose type – Commonwealth Purpose / Employment Purpose of check – Immigration and Citizenship Released offences – All offences
Step7 Click to download the consent form, take a print out and scanned back a clear copy with signature and date. (.JPG .PDF or .TIF format, only and less than 4 MB)
Step8 Upload the consent form in the same window and upload the identification documents in the next window and click next.
Step9 Select your country of Birth and contact details. If you do not have Driver License, don’t worry, just proceed to next step.
Step10 Enter your current address and the date when you started living at this there and click next.
Step11 You will be asked to check all your details again and finally proceed to the payment section to submit your application.
Steps after Lodgment of the Australian Federal Police Check
Step1 You will receive an email as a confirmation of your application. Application may take 2-4 weeks time
Step2 On completion you will receive a second email confirming that your resulted is sent to your address. This may take 5-7 working days.
Step3 If you do not receive your result even after 7 working days, than first check with your post office and you may contact the AFP department to check the status and the request them to reissue if required.
Step4 Once you received the Certificate – Please submit it to our office as advised.

Note: The above mentioned requirement may different for some visa subclasses. So please make sure with us that you have downloaded the right documents in relation to your file.
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